Archive for April, 2015

There is a new SDK available for our developers on the KitLocate Dev site.


The new SDK is the result of a substantial work conducted on both our Android (Version 5.17) and iOS branches (Version 5.01).
The new SDK brings many bug fixes, substantial performance improvements and stability. We urge all of our developers to upgrade.

Support of iOS 8.3 and Swift
The new SDK for iOS provides better support for iOS 8.3. It also allows developers working with Swift, Apple’s relatively new programing language, to use KitLocate in their new swift App. Please check out our guide on a previous post on this blog explaining how to use it.

As always happy to get your feedback.

Buckingham palace viewThe KitLcoate Demo App is now available for download via the Google Play market. You can now download it from this link.
We have been working on it for some time now following repeat requests from Marketers and Developers that wanted to check out the SDK without the need to write a single line of code.

We have made the App very simple to use and provide a wizard like experience that guides you through the creation of geo fences and setting up a geo location trigger (“Geo Fence in” or “Geo Fence out”) with a push message.
You can use the app to create almost unlimited number of Geo Fences (just the like the SDK) and control each of them from the Manage tab.
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Every SDK company in the market will promise that all they need from you (as a developer) is 5 minutes…
5 minutes and you are set.
This is also known in some circles as the “5 minutes SDK fatigue” but marketers will continue to brag that all they need is for you to spend 5 minutes with their SDK.

We know better.
What you need is 5 minutes and 45 seconds to implement our SDK for iOS but only 3 minutes and 15 seconds for Android… It is not that iOS is that much more complicated but we just ended up with a longer video.

Yes, you heard correctly.
See for yourself in our new how to videos available to you on our YouTube channel

SDK Deployment
Android (3:15 minutes):

iOS (5.45 minutes):

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In this post I would like to say thanks to our friend Robert van Engelen from Driewieler Digital in the Netherlands. Robert developed a PhoneGap plug-in for KitLocate and very generously reached out to us and suggested to share his work with us and the community.
phonegap logo
PhoneGap, requires no introduction (but just in case): “PhoneGap is a free and open source framework that allows you to create mobile apps using standardized web APIs for the platforms you care about” (much more on PhoneGap) and now, thanks to Robert you can also check out how to get KitLocate running on PhoneGap and test his plug-in.

As off May 13 2015 – we were informed by Robert that due to a technical issue he is not able to continue to share this repository – we will update once that changes.

Check it out on the project page:

Project: PhoneGap Plug-in
Developer: Robert van Engelen
Company: Driewieler Digital

Please check it out and let us know what you think.
If you have a similar project that you would like to share please let us know.


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